active consulting
DHV-NET advisory combines experience, in-depth knowledge and comprehensive international networks in digital health.
In addition, we offer the tools and techniques associated with over a decade of consulting in digital health.
When required, we can call upon our experienced associates and international networks to help meet your challenge.

DHV-NET advisory is led by Dr Steven Dodsworth who has been consulting in digital health since co-founding the digital health consultancy “D Health” in 2012.
Steven developed what might be the first digital health strategy in Europe whilst working for an agency of the Scottish Government in 2009.
Prior to this, he spent over a decade in complex product development and commercial roles the life science industry and was one of the first scientists to join the human genome project in the early 90s.
our approach
We begin any assignment by understanding your objectives and the context of the challenge.
We can combine desk top research, stakeholder mapping, external out reach and internal consultation to draft an approach for your review.
We work how you work; we are experienced and flexible enough to work within your own organisational culture.

the power of experience,
knowledge and international networks
We have helped many different organisations from many different sectors grow their interest in digital health.
Organisation-Wide Education & Awareness Of Digital Health
Adoption Of Digital Health Technologies
Access To Innovation
Horizon Scanning
Due Diligence
Technology & Company Search
DHV-NET offers a rapid, tried and tested process to create a testable Go To Market strategy within 2 weeks.
We combine this with a deep knowledge of the dynamics of wellness and regulated markets and can include associates with geographic knowledge of specific markets when required.
We have helped senior teams from a wide range of companies and academia and will be delighted to refer you to previous clients.
Our experience sets us apart

go to market
strategy plus
Our network and knowledge allows us to support clients looking to establish their business in new markets.
Our efforts can focus on a particular territory but equally, with our international reach, we can help to find new business and new partners across the globe.
We are flexible in the way we work and can accommodate short to medium term intensive efforts. Alternatively, we can act passively, alerting you to opportunity as our network grows.