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Privacy & Data PolicY

DHV-NET seeks to keep minimal data on the individuals and organisations that interact with it. These data are requested and collected to enable DHV-NET to deliver the associated products/services.

  • DHV-NET will not share your data with any third party unless there is a legal requirement or it is necessary in order to deliver the product/service that you have requested/signed up for. 

  • DHV-NET will only contact you to inform you about products and services that you have signed up for or expressed an interest in or have requested information about or closely related products and services.

  • The information you have provided to DHV-NET when signing up for products/services is typically available to you (and in most cases can be changed by you) in your user account. Where such information is not readily accessible (for example in payment and accounting records), you may request this information and we will amend when necessary.

  • DHV-NET will remove all data associated with an individual or organisaton upon request by that individual or organisaton . To effect this request we will communicate the likely effects (if any) of such removal which must then be accepted in writing by the requesting party.

  • DHV-NET uses trusted third parties with effective data protection measures and policies to deliver its products and services and as such, may share your data with. These organisations can be made known to you on request but include Microsoft, WIx., etc.

  • DHV-NET aims to keep your data only for as long as is necessary to deliver the products/services that you have purchased and/or signed up for. Typically, you are able to remove these data by unsubscribing or closing your user accounts and where an account has been closed, DHV-NET will aim to remove these data shortly after.

  • We will inform you of any data breach as soon as is reasonably possible, typically by email.

  • DHV-NET adheres to GDPR and entrusts third party data to servers within the EU.

  • Please email info @ dhv-net .com or use the form below to contact us concerning privacy & data issues.




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We will endeavour to address any issues arising as soon as we can

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